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Waldorf education was founded with the intent to foster a kinder and more conscientious generation. It is in this spirit that Waldorf education emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things, promoting respect for the self, others and the natural world.

It is laid in the foundation of Waldorf pedagogy for each individual to experience the internalization of mathematical thinking.  Our lessons are carefully planned to meet the needs of our children as they continue to develop an understanding for math.  Brought through many subjects and modalities, we educate with mindfulness so that the children can experience math through the hands, heart and head.  A multi—sensory approach to mathematics formed through involvements of music and rhythm, movement and arts, all the while allowing their curious minds to ponder, create and wonder.  As a result, Waldorf students acquire a deep mathematical understanding that they carry throughout their lives.



Age 3-6

Pre-K / Kinder

These years are crucial for the development of your child's motor skills and dexterity.


Age 6-8

Primary 1

The first years of primary school learning in one co-existing nurturing experience


Age 9+

Primary 2

Solidifying their education for an easy transition to traditional schools around the world.


First Grade
  • Form Drawing: Straight and curved lines, letters and patterns.

  • Writing: introduction to the alphabet, arising through stories and pictures, simple words, reading own writing

  • Speaking practice, poems with strong rhythm

  • Archetypal images revealed through the telling of fairytales.

  • Mathematics:
    the quality of numbers, building number sense
    counting to 100,
    Roman and Arabic numerals,
    the four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)

  • Nature Study: A wakening to the wonder of nature through observation

  • Singing and introduction to the Recorder

  • Handwork: Knitting, sewing

  • Thai language: building vocabulary and understanding through, games, songs, conversation and play. Gentle introduction to alphabet

  • Painting, Beeswax Modelling, Crayon Drawing

Second Grade
  • English:
    Fables from around the world, Jataka Tales (Buddhist morality stories)
    study of the saints and other noble figures in history
    Reading, consonant and vowel blends, practice through reading own writing around main lesson topics. Practice with leveled Readers. Writing and reading selected songs and verses. Basic sentence structure and punctuation. Speech and poetry practice, 

  • Mathematics:
    continuing work with the four processes (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication
    Place value, times tables

  • Drawing/ Form Drawing
    running forms, leading to cursive handwriting, illustrating stories, symmetry and mirror forms

  • Nature Study:
    through fables and Jataka Tales, nature walks; exploration and observation of the natural world surrounding the school

  • Singing and Recorder

  • Handwork: Knitting, Sewing

  • Thai Language

  • Painting and Modelling

Third Grade
  • Form Drawing: Straight and curved lines, letters and patterns.

  • Writing: introduction to the alphabet, arising through stories and pictures, simple words, reading own writing

  • Speaking practice, poems with strong rhythm

  • Archetypal images revealed through the telling of fairytales.

  • Mathematics:
    the quality of numbers, building number sense
    counting to 100,
    Roman and Arabic numerals,
    the four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)

  • Nature Study: A wakening to the wonder of nature through observation

  • Singing and introduction to the Recorder

  • Handwork: Knitting, sewing

  • Thai language: building vocabulary and understanding through, games, songs, conversation and play. Gentle introduction to alphabet

  • Painting, Beeswax Modelling, Crayon Drawing

Circle Time

‘Circle’ is packed with priceless learning opportunities and it is a special part of Waldorf education.

Circle activities vary  from week to week, and incorporate different  combinations of the following each day: Practicing gratitude, reciting verses, singing, movement, maths and language games, skipping, bean bag activities,  recorder and meditation.


Nature study during nature walks, observing plants, animals, the weather, and insects.Building observational skills.Sharing experiences, observations.Exploration and observation of the natural world surrounding the school, plants in the local jungle. Nature stories.

Thai Language

Thai classes  run three times a week, incorporating conversation, games, cooking, craft,  and learning the thai alphabet.For those who are ready, or thai native speakers, simple reading and writing activities are introduced.When we celebrate loy Krathong and Songkran, thai cultural songs, stories, practices are learned.

Physical Education

2-4 sessions per week focus on cooperative games, coordination, balance, gross motor skills, general mobility and agility.Movement skills and rhythmic exercise is also practiced on a daily basis during our daily circle times activities.


Vocabulary is developed, throughout the year, by exposure to language in stories, verses, songs etc.

Continued work on Word families, digraphs, high frequency words, reading, writing for meaning, handwriting skills.Class play: memory work, speech and language work, expression and clarity of speech.


Simple  forms that lead us to write letters and numbers. Straight and curved lines,  running forms and forms that are mirrored.  Drawing is also  included in all main lesson blocks.
The children learn to draw with ‘block crayons’, from the inside out. This way they consider the forms in the drawings and the technique can be more forgiving and freeing than creating rigid outlines.


Children read and follow recipes, prepare ingredients, knead, mix, chop, grate etc. Kitchen role play is an exciting and fun activity, which stretches the children’s imagination and enriches their creativity. It gives children the chance to concoct their own imaginative recipes and explore different pretend ingredients.
Foods prepared are relevant to festivals, main lessons and thai food.

Nature Walk

Always inspired and enhanced by their surroundings, the children take walks to explore the nearby jungle, pineapple field and lake.Children in general, especially the younger ones have a strong connection with nature and benefit from using it as a learning environment. 


Introduction to the four basic operations (+, -, x, ÷) in mathematics. Number facts to 20. 
Place ValueTimes Tables (2,3,4,5,9,11).
Times Tables (6,7,8,12).
Deepen understanding of Place Value and Four Operations through number problems and stories.
Time: Cycles in nature, day, month, year.


Children begin to develop ‘wet on wet’ water colour painting techniques from stories exploring the nature of colour. The emphasis is on creating harmony and balance between colours.
Children develop an understanding of the moods and combinations of colour which forms the foundation for painting skills developed through the primary years.


Festivals are a vital part of Waldorf Education. They provide nourishment to the individual and bring the community together in meaningful ways.As a new school, still finding our annual rhythm, some festivals this year are being celebrated for the first time.


Craft projects may be short term relating to main lesson blocks and festivals or longer projects such as knitting or wood craft activities. Wool crafts progresses from simple projects such as the ‘gods eye’ weaving on sticks, to finger knitting, and then knitting with needles.


Our 2022 Summer Camp age 5 to 12 is now open for registration. We offer daily educative and sport activities, lunches and snacks.

Available weeks:
Week 1: July 4 - 8
Week 2: July 11 - 15
Week 3: July 18 - 22
Week 4: July 25 - 29
Week 5: August 1 - 5
Week 6: August 8 - 12
Week 7: August 15 - 19
Week 8: August 22 - 26



235 Srisoonthorn Cherngtalay, Thalang, Phuket 83110

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